
12 May 2016 by Anna Kirk - BBN USA

A Great Product Launch Means Finding Your ‘Peanut Butter’!

If a service or product launch is at the centre of your communications strategy, and if you haven’t found your ‘peanut butter’, beware! Your launch could probably use a healthy injection of innovation. (If you just sat back, furrowed your brow and said “Huh?”, allow me two minutes to explain.)

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10 May 2016 by Ales Rihacek - BBN Czech Republic

How To Find Influencers and Engage Them

Nowadays, much more of our reputation is affected by what is said about us! In business, this means that 80-90 per cent of customers decide on their purchase before they are actively addressed.

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15 March 2016 by Richard Parsons

Funnel Vision

Why do B2B marketers get things the wrong way round?

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20 October 2015 by Olga Angelaki

It’s Show Time, Folks!

Words or pictures, pictures or words? This is the age-old argument for what works best in advertising.

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09 October 2015 by Tom Busby

Millennials – Don’t Be Bugged

Born between 1980 and 2000, millennials are a group of people who have never used a fax machine, think dial-up internet is from the dark ages, have rarely opened an encyclopaedia – and may never have driven anywhere without the aid of a sat-nav.

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05 June 2015 by Rory Vieyra

Cold Calling or Egg Mayonnaise?

I am new to B2B marketing (someone has to be). I used to be a professional actor. My main areas of expertise are bursting into impromptu song and making the shape of a tree.

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