
Stay in the loop with the latest B2B industry trends.

08 August 2017 by Richard Parsons

Just do it…

Once you've done all your thinking, research, and empathizing, hopefully you have a pretty good idea what you want to say – what the brand narrative is going to be. It’s time to start synthesizing all those influences into the semblance of a big idea.

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21 July 2017 by Richard Parsons

Creativity, where art thou?

The big idea – the brand story running throughout a campaign and the entire business – can’t come from a rulebook or a set of data. So where does creativity come from?

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11 July 2017 by Annette Fernandes-Poyser - BBN Central

Do B2B companies need a face?

Since the advent of Social Media, there is a growing move within B2B-centric businesses to act more like a person rather than just a company.

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28 June 2017 by Polly Griffiths

B2B TV Episode 2: How to effectively target SMEs

Our second episode of B2B TV involves True co-founders, Richard and Cos discussing some key considerations for targeting small to medium sized businesses. Including broadcast and news media, data propensity modelling and social media.

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23 June 2017 by Polly Griffiths

Bringing the world together with Tea

The BBN owners conference was held last month, just outside Frankfurt, bringing together agency owners to take part in caffeine stimulated workshops.

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21 June 2017 by Polly Griffiths

10 awards and counting!

2017 has seen our awards shelf sagging at True, and we’ve just added to that again with a win at this year’s Tech Marketing and Innovation Awards.

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